Κυριακή 19 Μαΐου 2013

The board of the IMF and its representatives in Cyprus......

I totally agree with the Board of the IMF and their concerns regarding the economic situation in Cyprus over the next years. They expressed their concern regarding whether there will be growth in the economy by 2015 after the austernity measures that will be imposed in the next months/years. The IMF representatives in Cyprus have no clue of how markets work and this is proved by the fact that they did dot object on the initial idea for haircut on unsecured depositors .(if that idea was approved by the Cypriot parliament, the banking system in south European countries would have severe liquidity problems) .Furthermore the IMF representatives in Cyprus did not object to the Governors suggestion to open the banks after the eurogroup’s decision. Thanks to the government’s intervention the banks did not open and a disaster was avoided.

The IMF and Troika representatives in Cyprus, together with the central bank of Cyprus have no idea of the consequences from withdrawing liquidity from an economy that is leveraged 3 times its GDP at interest rates as high as 10% …….

Capitalising the banks does not mean that liquidity will increase in the real economy. Banks will not be able to supply the needed cash flow in the real economy. The liquidity of Banks will stay under pressure for many years….

Theory and practice are two different things……after the bail in , theoretically we will have solvent banks but practically we will have an insolvent economy……

Savvas Ttantis

The the Bail in was a huge mistake.............

Almost all decisions taken by the Eurogroup and the Central Bank of Cyprus regarding the restructuring of the banking system of Cyprus are wrong. As a result of these mistaken decisions the Cyprus economy will enter a severe and long recession. The Government Primary deficit will exceed 600m euro in 2013 and will be much higher than the 395m euro predicted in the MOU with Troika. Our GDP will be just above 15 billion and not 16.5 billion as predicted by Troika in the MOU.

Restructuring of our banking system should never be done in just 4 weeks but over a period of time of 3-5 years. It took our banking system 10 years to accumulate so many mistakes and bad management and therefore more time was needed…..

For the last 1 year I have been recommending to follow the Greek model of Bank restructuring with capital increases done gradually over a 3-5 years timeframe . Unfortunately the Eurogroup and the Central Bank of Cyprus chose a faster path, the Bail in .

Over the last 3 weeks ,Greek bank shares tripled and Pireos Bank had a share price increase of 400%!! The main reason behind these exceptional share price increases was the fact the banks announced that they have found private investors who will participate in the 10% equity increases required now. The rest of the equity increases required will take place in the next years through warrants given now. TROIKA has agreed with this program. Greek banks have a second option available , the issue of co co bonds. (which I recommended for the Cypriot banks many times during the last months)

This crisis will last for many years and as long as government continues with huge deficits there will be no end to it and as mentioned above the recent decisions of the Eurogroup will increase the government deficit.

What is now going on with our banking system is not Restructuring but destruction…….

We must rebuilt our financial and banking system as soon as possible. There is no other industry(except tourism) from which we can have substantial income in the future . Our financial model was correct , it was the management and the supervision of the banks that went wrong…….Our financial system and our gas reserves are the future of our Island.

The theoretical and academic approach of solving the banking crisis in Cyprus followed by our Central Bank and instructed by the Eurogroup will create enormous economic and social problems in Cyprus over the next years……….

Savvas Ttantis FCCA

Κυριακή 5 Μαΐου 2013

Is Printing money the right solution? Cy Fantasy Island

Printing money is not the right solution to get us out of the crisis. It will be a temporary ILLUSSION. Printing money to pay goverment deficits , public debt etc etc will create inflation and thus devaluation of the currency in the medium/long term. If printing money was the solution, why dont goverments also print money to capitalise their Banks or give millions of paper money to all their citizens to pay back their debt??

The solution to the crisis is the increase in wealth/capital/job creation through real productivity , expansion of the economy , foreigh capital injections in the economy (exports, tourism etc ) etc etc etc

Consider the following example …

Cy Fantasy Island is a newly inhabited island by 1000 persons. On their first day on the Island the wise men of the Tribe decide to organise the country. Elections take place, the goverment is formed. A Central bank is created. 100 persons are employed by the goverment. The goverment must find ways to pay the goverment employees. They come up with a Briliant idea. PRINT paper money to pay goverment employees .

Solution needed to be found for the 900 remaining persons who are still unemployeed. A politician comes up with another briliant idea. The goverment will built a factory that will produce cars, employ all 900 unemployeed persons .

The goverment needs to import plant and machinery from Germany for the car factory.The cost of the machinery is Euro 10m. The new currency of the country is not accepted by the foreigh factory and payment needs to be made in Euros. The goverment makes a LOAN of Euro 10m from a foreign Banking institution that opened a Branch on the Island.

The current structure of the New Economy is as follows:

-Goverment foreign debt euro 10m.Foreign debt denominated in local currency 10M Cyprus Pounds.
-Goverment employees, Central goverment 100.
- Goverment eployees through the Car factory 900.
-Unemployment in the Economy : 0%
-The currency of the Island is Cypound and its value is fixed at a rate of 1:1 with the Euro.

Factory production begins. The goverment needs car orders/sales and advertises a 10% discount on first 1000 units to be produced. Selling price for each car is Cypound 20,000 plus VAT of 20%. All citizens of the country apply and get approval for a Loan from a Foreign Bank Branch and place an order at the factory. 50% prepayment on the car price was paid.

Production for the 1000 cars begins and will take 12 months. During these 12 months there was prosperity on the Island, everyone had a job, the goverment had income to pay its employees etc etc

At the end of the first year everyone got their brand new shiny car. Everyone was happy….

Year 2 begins. No more orders for cars are placed . Everyone on the Island has a car they do need a second car. No orders are placed from abroad as the car selling prices can not compete with similar japanese or even european cars. Production slows, stocks accumulate. Every week factory employees are fired. The factory is making losses.

Unemployment increases every week.

The goverment takes 2 measures. (a) Prints more Cypound to pay goverment employees . b) The currency is devalued by 50% compared to the Euro and the Japanese Yen in order for local car selling prices to be attractive.Some new orders are placed from abroad.

The factory is still making losses. Only 100 workers are still working in the factory.

The structure of the economy at the end of Year 2.

-central goverment employees 100.
-goverment employees through the factory 100.
-unemployement rate 80%
- Goverment debt in euros 10m .

The factory continuous to make losses and closes. There is no demand for the Cypound. The goverment is paying unemployment benefits and does not have any income from Vat as noone buys cars anymore.

The government decides to print more Cypouds and gives to all the 1000 citizens as unemployment benefits etc. The citizens repay back their local curency car loans.

The 10 million euro Loan of the goverment/factory needs to be repaid in EUROS . The bank is not accepting the Cypound as a repayment currency as they can not “sell” the Cypound no one needs it and noone is ready to pay anything for it. The government can not repay back the Euro Loan. The government is bankrupt.

The creditors/foreign bank get an international court order and take ownership of the Island.

Structure of the economy at the end of year 3.

- unemployment rate 100%
- everyone has a new car but no money to buy petrol.
-The government is bankrupt.

everyone including the “wise men ” of the Tribe blame the Bank for loosing the ownership of their Island.

 The decision for own currency is not as easy and straight forward decisionas many might think . All parameters need to be carefully examined and especially the very basic principle of economics “demand ” needs to be seriously considered ….

Savvas Ttantis 1/5/2013

Παρασκευή 3 Μαΐου 2013


Με βάση τα σημερινά δεδομένα της Κυπριακής οικονομίας , το κράτος μας θα εισέλθει σε παγίδα χρέους εντός του 2013. Τα δομικά προβλήματα της Κυπριακής οικονομίας, τα μεγάλα προβλήματα των τραπεζών μας σε συνδιασμό με το έγκλημα του Eurogroup με το Bail in, θα προκαλέσουν μεγάλα προβλήματα στα δημόσια οικονομικά στα επόμενα χρόνια. Με To Bail in , κάναμε ακριβώς το αντίθετο απο αυτό που χρειαζόταν η οικονομία μας αυτήν την περίοδο, περιορίσαμε αντι να αυξήσουμε την ρευστότητα στην πραγματική οικονομία. Επίσης, η απόφαση για σπάσιμο της Λαικής , μιας συστημικής για την οικονομία Τράπεζας θα περιορίσει ακόμα περισσότερο την ρευστότητα και θα μειώσει την εμπιστοσύνη στο χρηματοπιστωτικό μας σύστημα.
    Οι εκτιμήσεις μου για τα δημόσια οικονομικά για τα επόμενα χρόνια είναι ώς ακολούθως…
ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 31-12-2013
ΑΕΠ = 15.5 ΔΙς
ΑΝΕΡΓΙΑ = 17-18%
(Α) Στο δημόσιο χρέος συμπεριλαμβάνεται η κεφαλαιωποιηση των ΣΠΕ 2.1 δις και 400 εκ για Ελληνικη Τράπεζα. Δέν έχω υπολογίσει την ευθύνη που έχουμε για την κεφαλαιωποιηση της Πειρεώς και της Αλφα. (ελπίζω να μην πληρώσουμε και για αυτές παρόλο που η ευθύνη ειναι δική μας)
(Β) 10 ΔΙΣ ΣΥΝΟΛΙΚΉ ΒΟΉΘΕΙΑ. 2.5 ΔΙς θα πάνε για ΣΠΕ και Ελληνική. 2.1 δις για όμολογα που λήγουν Ιούνιο και Ιούλιο και 700εκ για Ελλειμα εώς το τέλος του έτους.Υπόλιπη διαθέσιμο βοήθεια 4.7 δις.
ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 31-12-2014
ΑΕΠ = 15 ΔΙς
ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 31-12-2015
ΑΕΠ = 15 ΔΙς
(Α) Το αργότερο εώς τα μέσα του 2015 την ΑΗΚ και η ΑΤΗΚ θα τις πουλήσουμε, δεν θα έχουμε επιλογή. Απο αυτές υπολογίζω οτι το κράτος θα πάρει 1 δις. Αυτο το 1 δις είναι υπολογισμένο στα διαθέσιμα μετρητά/βοήθεια απο την Τροικα και υπολογισμένα στο δημόσιο χρέος. Δεν τα υπολόγισα στο δημοσιονομικό έλλειμα γιατι είναι μη επαναλαμβανόμενα εισοδήματα.
ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 31-12-2016
ΑΕΠ = 15 ΔΙς
Οι πιό πάνω υπολογισμοί μου είναι ένα συντηριτικό και είναι το αισιόδοξο μου σενάριο. Υπολόγισα οτι το ΑΕΠ μας δέν θα μειωθεί κάτω απο 15 δις πράγμα το οποίο θα είναι πολύ δύσκολο να καταφέρουμε. Το ασιόδοξο σενάριο ακολούθησα και για το δημοσιονομικό έλλειμα του 2013. Δεν έχω επίσης υπολογίσει τυχόν άλλη βοήθεια που μπορεί να χρειαστουν οι τράπεζας μας λόγο ύφεσης και μη εξυπηρετούντων δανείων….
Η Κύπρος χωρίς να πουλήσει άλλα περιουσιακά στοιχεία εκτός απο ΑΗΚ/ΑΤΗΚ δέν βγάζει το 2017.
Τέλος του 2016 η Κύπρος θα χρωστά πολύ περισσότερα απο οτι χρωστά σήμερα ενώ η ανεργία θα βρίσκεται σε πολύ ψηλότερα απο τα σημερινά επίπεδα.
Η ΤΡΟΙΚΑ στο μνημόνιο υπολογίζει οτι το πρωτογενές έλλειμα μας για το 2013 θα είναι 395 εκ και το ΑΕΠ 16.5 ΔΙΣ. Δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να έχουμε τόση μικρή μείωση στο ΑΕΠ φέτος……..απο εκεί και πέρα στα υπόλοιπα χρόνια οι υπολογισμοί της Τροικας πάνε ολοι λαθος…
Η Κυβέρνηση αυτήν την στιγμή πρέπει να κάνει τα ακόλουθα…
1. Επιθετική μείωση των κρατικών δαπανών κατά 500-700εκ.
2. Μεγάλα κίνητρα για ξένες επενδύσεις στην Κύπρο. Χωρις ξένα κεφάλαια δεν έχουμε την δυνατότητα για ανάπτυξη της οικονομίας με βάση την σημαρινή μας δομή.
3. Μετά την επιβαιβεωτική διάτρηση, δημιουργία θυγατρικής και εισαγωγής της στο χρηματιστήριο του Λονδίνου (βλέπε προηγούμενο άρθρο μου)
4. κλπ κλπ
Το κράτος πρέπει άμεσα να σταματήσει τα ελλείματα του, οσο αυτά συνεχίζονται τοσο πιο πολύ θα αυξάνεται το δημόσιο χρέος σε μη διαχειρίσιμα επίπεδα. Το κράτος έχει εισέλθει σε μια παγίδα χρέους απο την οποία δύσκολα θα εξέλθει . Πρέπει άμεσα να γίνουν τομές στην οικονομία μας , πρέπει να ξεκινήσουμε να κινούμαστε πιο γρήγορα , τα τελευταία χρόνια κινούμασταν αργά. Θα ζήσουμε πολύ δύσκολες καταστάσεις, τα κοινωνικά προβλήματα θα είναι τεράστια ,δεν είμαστε πάτο ακόμα. Η Κύπρος θα αλλάξει και εάν εμείς δεν την αλλάξουμε απο μόνοι μας προς το καλύτερο κινδυνευουμε να μας επιβάλουν οι πιστωτές και άλλες ερασιτεχνικές λύσεις και εραστιχνικα πειράματα παρόμοια με το Bail in…….
Με αυτήν την ευκαιρία θα ήθελα να ευχηθώ σε όλους καλό πάσχα να έχετε και καλό κουράγιο σε όλους και ειδικά στους συμπατριώτες μας που αυτές τις Αγιες μέρες υποφέρουν λόγο της κρίσης…..
Σάββας Τταντής Λογιστής/ελεγκτής-Χρηματιστής